Terms and conditions

General Terms and Conditions of Use of the German Football Academy

  1. Scope
    1. These terms of use apply to the use of the information services and services that you can subscribe to and use on the website https://deutschefootballacademy.com/, unless separate general terms and conditions (GTC) apply. These are information services and services provided by the German Football Academy, Kirschenallee 20, 14050 Berlin, represented by the board of directors ___.
    2. DFA reserves the right to change these Terms of Use in the future.
  2. Registration
    1. In order to use or subscribe to individual information services and services on the website https://deutschefootballacademy.com/, the user can or must register. The user undertakes to provide correct and complete information about the data requested during registration, which he will keep up to date in the event of any changes.
    2. DFA reserves the right to expand, change and/or make improvements to the services offered at any time, provided that the changes are reasonable for the user, taking DFA's interests into account. This is particularly the case if the changes do not cause any economic disadvantages for the user.
    3. To prevent duplicates, only one registration is permitted.
    4. The user undertakes not to reveal the password even if requested. We would like to point out that DFA and/or service employees are not authorized to ask the user for their password.
    5. The user is liable for damages resulting from third parties becoming aware of their password through their negligent or intentional behavior. If his password has been stolen or if he becomes aware that his password is being used unlawfully by third parties, DFA must be notified immediately via the feedback area or by email.
  3. Obligations of the user
    1. The services may only be used for private purposes. Use for business purposes is not permitted. In particular, the user may not use the services to advertise other websites, services or commercial offers.
    2. The user is obliged not to violate applicable legal regulations when using the website and the services offered there. In particular, he must ensure that the content he distributes does not violate the rights of third parties (copyright rights), that the applicable criminal laws and youth protection regulations are observed and that, in particular, he does not distribute any racist, pornographic, obscene, violence or drug-glorifying, offensive or unsuitable content for minors become. The user also undertakes not to spread viruses or unsolicited mass mailings and to refrain from anything else that could jeopardize the performance and availability of the services. Requests to participate in chain letters, pyramid games and other games of chance are also not permitted.
    3. The user is fully responsible for their behavior and the content they contribute. In doing so, he indemnifies DFA from any claims by third parties and the costs of necessary legal defense that may be asserted against DFA due to its behavior or content.
  4. Foreign content; Deletion of content
    1. The content posted, sent or received by users is not DFA content ("external content"), but is solely attributable to the user posting the content. Since this content is posted in real time, it is not possible for DFA to check the content in a timely manner.
    2. The user agrees to the use and publication of his content on all platforms.
    3. As soon as DFA becomes aware of obviously illegal content, DFA is entitled to delete this content without prior notice. This will happen in particular if there is a violation of Section 4.2. The same applies in the event that DFA receives an official or court request to remove this content or undertakes to refrain from doing so in order to avoid legal proceedings against a third party. In other cases in which there is reasonable suspicion of a legal violation, DFA can delete the content and initially block the user in order to avoid further damage.
  5. Liability
    1. DFA is liable without limitation in the event of intent and gross negligence. In the event of a slightly negligent violation of a main performance obligation or a secondary obligation, the violation of which jeopardizes the achievement of the purpose of the contract or the fulfillment of which enables the proper execution of the contract in the first place and on whose compliance the user could rely, DFA's liability is limited to damages typical of the contract and foreseeable at the time the contract was concluded . DFA is not liable for the slightly negligent violation of additional contractual obligations that do not belong to the essential additional obligations.
    2. The above exclusions and limitations of liability do not apply to culpably caused damage resulting from injury to life, body or health, to liability for claims by the user based on the Product Liability Act or due to fraudulent misrepresentation, or to the assumption of a quality guarantee. This does not involve a change in the burden of proof to the detriment of the user.
    3. The above exclusions and limitations of liability also extend to the personal liability of DFA's legal representatives and vicarious agents.
  6. Duration
    Free Services may be terminated by either party with immediate effect without giving any reason. To do this, the user can log out of the respective service while logged in using the corresponding logout process. To delete your personal user account, please write an email to info@deutschefootballacademy.com Regarding the newsletter, it will be sent via this.
    DFA will inform the user about the termination of a service by email to the email address provided during registration.
  7. Data protection
    The protection of personal data is an important concern for the DFA. To the extent that the DFA collects or processes personal data as part of its activities, this is done exclusively in accordance with data protection regulations, in particular the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
    Further information on data processing can be found in the DFA's data protection declaration at https://deutschefootballacademy.com/privacy/.
  8. Alternative dispute resolution in accordance with the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act
    DFA is neither willing nor obliged to take part in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
  9. Applicable law, partial ineffectiveness
    1. German law applies to the exclusion of the UN purchase law. If the user is a consumer in accordance with Section 13 of the German Civil Code (BGB) and has his habitual residence in a country of the European Economic Area other than Germany, he will retain protection in accordance with the relevant provisions of his country of residence, which may not be deviated from by agreement.
    2. Should one or more provisions of these terms of use be or become wholly or partially ineffective, this will not affect the effectiveness of the contract and the remaining provisions.